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Showing posts from December, 2006


Well, I'm done with the MDiv. The time went by really fast which was definitely a good thing. As with anything, some things could have been better, others worse. I'm glad to have it out of the way and now it's time for the real world after 18+ years of school. The two things I'm most proud of from my time at Seminary: 1. Not losing a toe to frostbite (Click here for picture. I was going to put one in but it's really gross and not for everyone). 2. Not getting a ticket from Campus Safefty (aka Veggie Cops) As I said before, I'll be an Associate Pastor in Richmond at the Patterson Ave SDA Church and their church plant, Far West End SDA Church . We are in the process of buying a house and if everything goes according to plan, we'll close on January 2. So, life is coming together very nicely for us. Shari will begin the always stressful job hunt but it seems like Richmond has a thriving job market. In the meantime we'll get settled into our new

Faced With Hypocrisy

You're probably ready for a blistering attack on a church or church member. Sorry, it's all about my own hypocrisy. I'm reading The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching for a class. It's a compilation of articles on preaching from people such as Haddon Robinson, Bill Hybels, Rob Bell, etc. It's a good resource. Well, I came across an article by none other than Ted Haggard. My first reaction? Skip over this, whatever he wrote has been discredited by his recent behavior, no need to waste time. As I thought about it, that initial reaction really disgusts me. If we are going to talk about being discredited by sin, no one is worthy of listening to. I would hope people wouldn't tune me out because of the selfishness, judgmentalism, and pride that I oftentimes exhibit. Why shouldn't I extend the same grace to Haggard that I hope to receive for myself?