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Evangelistic Endeavor -- 24 (Wed, 10/4)



The attendance continues to be low and in the 35-40 range. The topic for the evening is the Scarlet Woman of Revelation and looks to be one of the final appeals for people to leave “Babylon.” The 3 Angels Message was presented and you could tell the evangelist had a major burden for this topic. He was slow and deliberate in his teaching because he said he wanted to be sure he taught it correctly and appropriately.

He said that all denominations can’t be right and someone must be wrong. He said that it all comes back to the commandments which is what people get upset over but is what’s going to take us to heaven. Statements like this remind me of Paul's letter to the Romans and seeing how much like the Jews we are. Do we really believe the commandments are going to take us to heaven? While I believe that the law is just, holy, and good, I also realize that it is what condemns me and shows me how far from living the life of Jesus I am and how much God’s grace is necessary (I wrote a paper on the law in Romans and if anyone is interested just email me and I’ll send it to you).

One of the favorite lines that was said again was how he knows this is tough information but he has no other way to preach but with a sword. He has to give the “straight truth” and sometimes that hurts. He also warned us about the story of Noah and how only a few people out of the millions who were alive then were saved. I think this is one of those complexes Adventists have in which we think our doctrines are validated because there are only a few of us. We actually view low numbers as a sign of success because we are actually presenting the truth which is hard and few want while everyone else succeeds because they are lying to people and just doing whatever they want. (I wrote on this previously).

He really laid it on the people later. He told them that if they walked out the meeting without acting on the truth they received they would not prosper because you cannot walk in the light and stay in darkness.

I left the meeting walking in the darkness.


Anonymous said…
Our evangelists believe that if they don't "really lay it on" that people will not decide for baptism and joining the Church. I have conducted a number of evangelism campaigns over the years and tried both that approach and a much softer, "take-it-or-leave-it" approach and I cannot see that it made much difference in the number of decisions. I think there was a time when "laying the facts on the line" motivated people, but in today's world it is much more about "bonding before believing."
trevan said…
I agree that it is more about bonding before believing which is why these series where the evangelist comes for a few weeks and leaves isn't a good idea. The evangelist just begins to bond with people and then has to leave.

At the other series, the local church pastor did the preaching which was a good idea. At our place, they don't have a pastor so that was impossible.

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