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What is Divergence?

I've been pretty unhappy with the name of my blog. It worked at the beginning but it seems like all respectable blogs have some catchy name. So, I think I've found a word that describes me fairly well and is catchy (at least I think so). As you can see, I've come to: DIVERGENCE. What does it mean? 1. The act of diverging. Don't you love dictionaries? I love how they define a word with a word that needs defining itself. 2. difference or disparity: a difference between two or more things such as opinions or attitudes 3. failure to conform or match: deviation from something such as a typical pattern or expressed wish 4. moving apart: the process of separating or moving apart to follow different paths or different courses I find that as I continue to learn and grow older, things that I believed strongly in the past have been challenged and replaced by new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Don't hold anything I write against me because I might have changed my mind by the next day. I also probably believe contradictory things that any logician would expose. Also, I like to explore different topics and ideas without worrying what I might come to. So, I think it describes me and my blog and I hope you like it.


I dig it. Now I have another reason to be envious of you, you even come up with great blog titles.
spo said…
Love the new name...It fits you perfectly!

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